Finding a Temporary Job during Your Raleigh Divorce

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer may suggest you find a temporary job during your divorce.Many people choose to take a temporary job during a divorce. You may need the additional income, or you may just want to get out of the house. Regardless of your reasons, discuss your options with your Raleigh divorce lawyer before accepting any employment – whether you’re changing jobs or starting from scratch.

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer will be able to give you guidance that will help your case and your personal situation. If you do choose to find a temporary job, there are several things you need to know first.

Ask Your Raleigh Divorce Lawyer How Temporary Work Affects Your Case

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer may advise you to find a job, either temporary or permanent, or not to work until your divorce is final. A change in your financial status can affect your case, so it’s best to discuss your options with your Raleigh divorce lawyer before accepting a job or, for that matter, quitting the job you have.

Why Your Raleigh Divorce Lawyer May Advise You to Work

Divorce and its associated fees can be expensive. Your Raleigh divorce lawyer may advise you to get a temporary job to help you maintain your lifestyle or to support your family during your divorce.

Things to Consider with Your Raleigh Divorce Lawyer

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer will help you decide whether you should find temporary employment or not; together, you’ll consider:

• who will care for your children while you work

• how you will support your children if you do not work

Although your Raleigh divorce lawyer may give you advice, the final decision on whether to find a temporary job or not is up to you. Your Raleigh divorce lawyer will provide you with perspective based upon his or her past experience, but only you know whether working during your divorce (or taking on an additional job) is best for you.

Where to Find Temporary Jobs

If you and your Raleigh divorce lawyer have determined that taking temporary work won’t be detrimental to your case, there are several agencies that specialize in part-time and temporary work. Temporary jobs can last from one day to several weeks; in some cases, temporary jobs can last several months. Discuss whether you’d like short-term or long-term temporary work with your Raleigh divorce lawyer before visiting an employment agency so you know what to ask for when you arrive.

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer may be able to refer you to a reputable local staffing agency, or you can begin looking for a staffing agency in Raleigh yourself.

Accepting Temporary Work

After you find temporary work, be sure to let your Raleigh divorce lawyer know. Your Raleigh divorce lawyer will need to know the details, such as your approximate salary, the duration of your job and what your schedule looks like. Your income may affect your case – that’s why your Raleigh divorce lawyer may ask how much you’re making. Additionally, your Raleigh divorce lawyer needs to know how long you expect to work and when you’ll be working so that he or she can make sure your court dates mesh with your schedule.

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