Checking Your Spouse’s Cell Phone Caller ID During a Raleigh Divorce

When you suspect your spouse is being unfaithful during your divorce, you may be tempted to check his or her cell phone caller ID. While that’s completely understandable (any Raleigh divorce lawyer can tell you that they’ve had past clients in their offices in similar situations), it’s not always the best idea.

If you have checked your spouse’s cell phone caller ID, let your Raleigh divorce lawyer know. Although it may not have any bearing on your case, telling your Raleigh divorce lawyer everything is a good idea.

Your Raleigh Divorce Lawyer’s Role

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer needs to know about infidelity before and during your divorce. Regardless of whether you checked your spouse’s cell phone caller ID, your Raleigh divorce lawyer will need to know if you have any evidence of infidelity – or if you, yourself, were unfaithful. The reason your Raleigh divorce lawyer needs to know these types of things is to better protect your best interests in court.

Simply checking a spouse’s cell phone caller ID during divorce cannot prove infidelity.

The Downsides to Checking Your Spouse’s Caller ID

There are several “downsides” to checking your spouse’s cell phone caller ID during your divorce. The suspicion or proof of your spouse’s cheating may be what led you to your Raleigh divorce lawyer in the first place, and continuing to torture yourself by checking his or her cell phone caller ID isn’t emotionally healthy.

Getting caught checking your spouse’s cell phone caller ID can lead to a fight over privacy and personal information. If your spouse ever verbally or physically threatens you, or anyone else, leave the situation immediately. Call the police if you are in any danger, and notify your Raleigh divorce lawyer about the incident as soon as possible. Your safety is always your Raleigh divorce lawyer’s primary concern, and checking your spouse’s cell phone caller ID may put you in danger.

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer may advise you not to check your spouse’s caller ID during a divorce. Remember, your Raleigh divorce lawyer is highly experienced in cases like yours.

What Your Raleigh Divorce Lawyer May Advise

Your Raleigh divorce lawyer will be looking out for your best interests. If your Raleigh divorce lawyer suspects you are in any physical danger, he or she will likely advise you to move to a safe location. Since your Raleigh divorce lawyer has dealt with divorcing clients from all walks of life, it’s best to trust his or her judgment.

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