This Is Where
Things Get Better
Right from our start as divorce attorneys in Raleigh, NC, back in 1990, we told the secrets that lawyers kept hidden. We demystified the divorce process, sharing the information that lawyers traditionally used to make things complicated. Back then we did it at free seminars. Some lawyers hated us, others thought we were crazy.
Our clients didn’t think we were crazy. They weren’t in the dark, trying to decipher mysterious language and complicated procedures. The secrets we shared gave them knowledge and confidence about the options and costs of the process.
Let’s Move Forward
In 1995 we built our first website and started giving away the secrets to anyone who would listen. That drove the other lawyers berserk.
Oddly, that just motivated us more. And, our practice grew. The more information we gave away, the more clients called us and let us help. That’s how we became one of the largest family law practices in the Southeast.
We knew the secret to our success was to continue sharing these secrets with our clients. This is where things get better, and we’re here to help.