Divorcing Someone with a Mental Illness

When your spouse has a mental illness, you’re forced onto an emotional roller coaster. Whether he or she has been officially diagnosed or is exhibiting behaviors common to people suffering from mental disorders, you’re probably put into the position of dealing with the fallout.

Some people choose to stay married to a spouse with a mental illness, despite their extreme suffering, while others choose to talk to a Durham divorce lawyer.

Staying Married: Are You in Danger?
One of the main reasons people choose to leave a spouse with a mental illness is the potential for abuse. Whether your husband or wife has a personality disorder, a substance abuse disorder or another mental illness, you may be at risk for domestic violence. Additionally, verbal abuse, anxiety and stress drive many people to look for an escape route.

Personality Disorders
While officially diagnosed personality disorders are moderately rare, the key word is diagnosed. Many people suffer from mental illnesses without seeking help, and as a result, they never receive a diagnosis. While your Durham divorce lawyer isn’t a psychologist and can’t diagnose a personality disorder in your spouse, he or she may recognize common symptoms that are characteristic of some mental illnesses and be able to provide you with ideas on how to deal with your spouse’s actions.

You can ask your Durham divorce lawyer to find out whether your spouse can be ordered to undergo a psychological examination, particularly if you feel your kids won’t be safe if you have a shared custody agreement.

Substance Abuse Disorders
People with a substance abuse problem are often hard to deal with, especially for those closest to them. Your spouse may clean up his or her act and then revert to drug or alcohol use several times before ever getting help; in some cases, substance abusers never get the help they need and eventually die from their illness.

Substance abuse can be a major factor in determining child custody, so you’ll need to let your Durham divorce lawyer know if your spouse has a problem. Since substance abusers are more likely than others to commit acts of domestic violence, your safety will be your lawyer’s main priority.

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